I’ve been wanting to try drawing in the low res style of @hcnone and @gogalking for a long time and finally got off my lazy ass and did it!
It’s pretty neat drawing with super low res brushes. The definite strength of it is that it makes drawing wayyyyy faster.
The reason is, your mistakes are severely minimized because of the low res line art. So if you’re a beginner artist, it allows you to get away with murder with your lineart lol. (top tier artists are masters of line art, but low res lines allow you to make mistakes and mostly get away with it!)
(if you wanna know how to do this kinda of line art, just use a pen brush and turn off the anti-aliasing so the lines are very blocky/pixely. then just draw at a super small resolution, and voila!)
And lastly, I had the interesting idea of making adult swim-esque bumps for my art and MMF characters. It gives me a way to post my art to youtube and also expose people to some amazing songs (imo). We’ll see how that turns out in the long run. I also want to start posting process videos again for my art, so we’ll do that too.
In other news, lets talk about my future plans.
I spent from Nov. 2021 to Dec. 2022 focusing on getting better at Youtube, like learning the process of making a video, thumbnails, releasing often, etc…
I definitely learned a lot about youtube and gained alot of subscribers and I feel pretty comfortable with my knowledge now about making videos.
I had pretty much put my art/comics on the backburner for the past year, so I could get better at making youtube videos for a year.
But, in November I got a full time position at my job and that severely limited my free time. So with my back against the wall (time wise) I decided I care more about Art in the long term, than youtube videos.
So, now it’s time to return again to art. My gut tells me: it is time to take up the pen again and focus alot more on art!
I’m going to be focusing on developing a obsession for drawing comics, because that’s ultimately what I want to do. But I also will resume drawing normal pictures like portraits, character art, etc…
Going forward, I am not going to be drawing porn anymore.
I haven’t explicitly said this before, but basically I’m coming back to religion in my old age and realized that drawing porn is NOT good for me or humanity lol.
I’ll prolly write an article about this in the future, we’ll see.
Anyways, that’s all for this update!
I hope you’re doing well.
Remember to start following your dreams right now! Because sooner or later, you gon be dead mofugga!
So get working on the shit you really wanna do in life!
You don’t have as much time as you think.
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