Yay, my 3rd year Art advice to my past self (you)!
One last thing I forgot to say in the video: One of my biggest hurdles for the first 2 years of learning was lamenting over how long it was going to take to become a good artist. I would compare my work to better artists and despair over how long it was going to take me to catch up to them.
You need to lose your ego. Stop comparing yourself to people who have been drawing for years.
Most great artists have been drawing for 10+ years, it takes many many years to become a good artist. You need to accept the fact that getting good at ANY complex skill takes MANY years. Stop looking at the top of the mountain and just focus on 1 step at a time, you will get there someday.
(And also remember, you will gain more confidence in your skills as you learn more and time goes on.)
1:34 – #1 Only draw what you like to draw (pay attention to your energy when drawing)
5:47 – #2 Develop the habit of drawing everyday
7:17 – #3 Read the “The Art Spirit” by Robert Henri (maybe wait to read it after you’ve been drawing for a few years)
10:13 – #4 Don’t study if you don’t want to. ONLY study the things you NEED.
12:50 – #5 Learn head proportions until it’s muscle memory (more important than anatomy)
14:10 – #6 Do not do gesture drawing, do thumbnails instead
15:28 – #6a Trace and Copy artists you love for a month or two
19:26 – #7 Great $100 starter course for art, + cheaper alternatives
23:30 – #8 Figure things out as much as you can on your own (don’t watch too many videos, read too many books, etc)
26:54 – #9 Learn how to paint simple forms and painting will be easier for you
28:26 – #10 Look at artists that you love (learn from their work)
29:27 – #11 Cling to your personal likes/interests in Art like your life depends on it
“The Art Spirit” by Robert Henri
30-day Figure Drawing Challenge from Pencilkings.com
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