Bonus comic!

Yay, chapter 4 released finally! It only took me 3 1/2 months! Phew! 🤣🤣🤣
I started drawing this at the beginning of November 2022.
I decided in November, that I’m going to finally transition to doing comics mostly.
I started drawing in 2016, but I don’t think I figured out I actually wanted to make comics until 2018.
So I guess it’s only been 4 years I was screwing around for?
I initially decided to get good at Art by drawing big tiddy anime waifus, and then I would transition to comics “when I got good”.
Well turns out that was a crock of shit, and I SHOULD have just started working on comics from the get go.
The only way to get better at drawing comics (or w/e skill you want to improve), is to actually just go and draw comics.
I wanted to sharpen my art skills (by drawing women) before I started drawing comics, but it was mostly just a long detour.
If you’re a young artist reading this, and you want to do “x” in Art, just go do it right away.
There’s no point in waiting.
Yes, you will get better at Art by practicing fundamentals and practicing in general.
BUT, the only way to get better at a specific thing (comics, perspective, landscapes, etc…) is to just GO DO THE THING.
Ah well, you live and you learn.
I hope you’re doing well, and please learn from me.
Don’t put off your dreams “until you’re ready”.
Get going and work on them right now!
It will be tough and you will prolly get your ass beat by life.
But the satisfaction you get as you move step by step towards your dreams is monumental.
There’s few things in life better than the struggle and the conquering of that struggle.
Keep going people.
You will get to the top of the mountain someday.
Just keep walking one step at a time.