Bonus comic!
It’s been a year and 1/2 since I released the last comic… 👀
I still wanna make comics, I just hate actually drawing comics lol!
I spent 5 years drawing anime tiddiez so I could become a better artist, so that I could draw comics better in the future (when I decided to finally draw comics lol).
Well boys and girls, let me tell you: whatever you want to do (in art, and also life), just start doing right away.
Don’t put it off and say “I’m not ready yet…”
Cuz you’re never gonna be fucking ready lol.
I regret not forcing myself to just make comics 6 years ago instead of drawing pin-ups to “become a better artist”.
You will learn what you need to know along your path anyways.
It’s better to just start doing the thing you want immediately, rather than waiting for when “you’re ready”.
So anyways, now that I’m forcing myself to draw comics, sometimes it’s agonizing and I don’t wanna do it, but I do it anyways (even if just for 15-30 min).
That’s actually how it was for me in the beginning even when drawing big tiddy anime girls.
It was agonizing and I hated it, becuz I sucked at drawing.
But eventually after about a year and 1/2, something clicked in my brain and I got obsessed with the art process of drawing female bodies and such.
So here I am doing the same thing again with comics.
I know in another 6 months to 1 year I will get that same desire with comics.
And then I’ll finally be on my way to becoming a comic artist.
After 6 years of drawing, I’m finally starting to do the thing I wanted to do in the first place!
So, like I said, if there’s something you want to do in Art or in life (asking out that girl, starting a Youtube channel, starting a twitch channel, etc.)…
You better go fucking do it. 😁
Otherwise you’re gonna be another me, wondering:
“Why didn’t I get started on that thing 5 years ago???”
Cya in 5 years! 😉
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