Archives for October 2017
Egyptian Sorceress (+my art history)
Egyptian Sorceress – #300 / 10.11.17
This is my first picture with light and shadow in it, everything I’ve done before this has just been flat color. So yay for milestones!
I’ve been drawing for about a year now. I started late September/early October of last year. I honestly didn’t start getting serious until June/July of this year. My entire life I’ve been wanting to learn how to draw, I just finally decided I was going to commit and do it. I used to draw a lot as a kid in church and in middle school, mostly to stay awake during boring as hell sermons and lectures. It was mostly doodles and funny little comics-probably the most serious artistic effort I ever made was to copy the original box art of Counter-Strike. After middle school I pretty much stopped drawing for 10+ years, and here I am!
One year into teaching myself how to draw and I think I’m doing okay. I still think my art looks like shit, but its passable now in my eyes. I still have a lot of work to do, gotta learn anatomy, perspective, how to paint, etc… It’s okay though, I’m committed now to becoming an amazing artist. I have the rest of my life now to master it. 🙂
Weekly Link Roundup #1
This past week was my first week of freedom after being layed off from my seasonal job. Roosh was fucking right, I got more shit done in this past week than the past year’s worth of days off from my job. I was amazed how much energy I had to work with during the week. All that commuting and dealing with people really does suck the energy out of you. I spent all week cleaning a bit of my yard, doing lots of chores, and finally cleaning the hell out of my room. I was pushing hard to get ready for streaming this week, but I had trouble focusing on my art for several days but finally overcame it. So Destiny 2 is about to be released and I’m prepping to move my PC to my new spot, and I realized I forgot to buy a god damn surge suppressor. Sooooo, that’s gonna put me back a few days in my streaming schedule. No worries though, we’ll get there in time.
Oh yeah, this is my first weekly link roundup. I plan on doing these every week, or as long as I have interesting links to share anyways. This is my way of giving back to you. I mine the internet for a week and then give you the diamonds I found throughout the week! Hopefully these help some of you. 🙂
Art references, yo
Quickposes – This is the best god damn gesture/pose website I have found. It has different modes for doing timed gesture drawings and a huge library of refs to sift through. If you’re looking for a site to practice gesture, this is it.
Fashion Nova – A clothing company with thin but still a bit curvy models. I found this site thanks to Kylie Jenner’s incredible ass. I just had to find out where she got those jeans. 😛
FancySatinPanty – Another indie panty company that my brother showed me. Lots of pretty models with cute satin underwear.
Misty Macallister – Flagship model for FancySatinPanty and erotic writer. She has a nice thin body, lots of good refs on her tumblr.
Damn good quote(s)
“Each encounter in life is a precious turn of fate, and fate will not be cheated.”
– Bone of Order, Dark Souls 2
I was reminded of this quote during a discussion with my bro about cheating Tao/Nature. Both Nassim Taleb and Jordan Peterson have brought up the forest fire example. Humans put out forest fires all the time which allows dead wood to build up in forests. This eventually leads to massive forest fires that are so hot they burn off the top soil in forests, effectively turning a forest into a desert where no plants can grow. Nature will have its way, and to fight against it is fucking dangerous.
Jordan Peterson – Sodom & Gomorrah
“Stay on the god damn path, and be careful.”
This is an excellent video by Dr. Peterson talking about the biblical stories of Sodom & Gomorrah. I’m probably going to have to write an article about this video soon, I wrote soooo many damn notes, I might as well write one. He covers interesting topics like:
- Humans don’t take their covenants seriously anymore (like new years resolutions), whereas in the past humans would make a blood sacrifice to ensure their seriousness.
- If there’s something holding you back (that’s dear to you), you have to let it go.
- The more you put your house (your life, relationships, etc…) in order, the more things you regard as impossible will happen.
- For me, the most important point of his lecture, getting what you actually want: “You don’t want it unless you’re willing to sacrifice for it.”
If you’re philosophical and any of that sounds good to you, then go watch this video.
List of great shoot em ups!
For us people that love shoot em ups, here’s a fat ass list of em! I wanna get back into the arcade emulator scene again, I miss playing shoot em ups… 🙁
Becoming a full time streamer
This here’s an insightful video about Richie Procopio becoming a full time streamer. I used to watch Richie on Guildcast all the time (an old show on the now dead Gamebreaker network), so I’ve been keeping tabs on him every so often because I like him. He seems like a good man. It’s interesting to see the synchronicity getting a hold of Richie in his life (Richie getting the promotion, following his passion by e-mailing Project Lore, writing for that NY Times writer dood). All it seemed to take was Richie simply reaching out and walking in the direction of his dreams, and then they came true. I’m starting to pay attention to this more and more in the lives of successful people. Lots of weird coincidences happening to people when they follow their calling/dreams. Very interesting…
The web design struggle is real – You can use this cute website to create favicons (the little icons next to the website address or on your browser tabs) for your site. They also have a list of favicons made by other people that you can use, bitchin animated ones too!
W3 Schools – A website that has tutorials on learning CSS, HTML, Javascript, and other programming languages. I constantly reference this site when coding my site as I barely know what I’m doing! 😀
Anyways, that’s it! Hope some of that was coherent and helped you in some way on your journey, fellow wanderer.